Friday, September 19, 2008


I've always had trouble downloading videos from emedia - the file format isn't correct and my computer wouldn't play them. Well, I figured out that if I use Safari instead of Firefox it works. So, I have started downloading different videos that I can use and saving them to a flash drive. Then, I just pull out the drive and play them whenever I want. I can also lend the flash drive to teachers. It works great!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Making a magic bag is easy. Stack 3 pieces of fabric, 1 foot square, on top of each other. Sew through all three thicknesses on 3 sides. Leave the top open. After sewing around three edges turn it right side out. You now have two pockets. A front one and a back one. Sew a strip of velcro on the middle and front & back. The picture of the open bag doesn't show too well but there is a middle section that has velcro on each side and then velcro on the front and back. Before the students come into the Library fill the back pocket with the items the "magic will create". Put items you want to "magically change" in the front pocket with the students help or at least as they watch you. Close the front pocket and say the magic words. Rip open the pocket again and "presto" you have done a magic trick!! Secretly you have ripped open the back pocket the second time. The ripping noise distracts them somewhat. I dress Dandlion by Don Freeman or make a rainbow for the Storm Book by Charlotte Zolotow. I have more instructions if you want them let me know. Jennilynn@Scera Park