Monday, August 4, 2008

This is the first post for our Media Blog. I really hope the librarians of Alpine School District use this as a tool to develop and exchange ideas. If you will call or email me I will give you the username and password so you can add your post to this site!

"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates' loot on Treasure Island...
and best of all, you can enjoy these riches every day of your life."
Walt Disney


Andrea said...

Pirates are my theme this year for my library. Excellent quote! I am excited for this blog!

- jeana said...

what a marvelous idea! our theme this year is "stop monkeying around and read!" each read book earns the student a banana, and we are seeing how many bananas we can accumulate throughout the year. "Hang out and read!" "We're bananas for books!"

jeana, cascade

Andrea said...

Oh, sorry...I am Andrea from Fox Hollow. :) What a cute idea, jeana. Maybe I need to have each book earn a piece of eight. Arrr.

Andrea, Fox Hollow

Glenna Tunnell said...

You guys have the cutest ideas! I would love to hear from you Marvelous Media Maidens some of the ideas and themes that you used this summer during summer library. If you didn't have summer library, but still had a summer reading program, please share your ideas!

PJ said...

I love the blog Sue... Thanks for setting it up. For our summer library we had a different theme/activity each week such as space, science, poetry & writing, art, puppets, storytelling and bookmaking. Since the researchers weren't used much I found sites with kid friendly games and activities like mad-libs. We had a blast! I was expecting more usage though. I only averaged about 20 patrons each day. How many patrons did others have for their summer programs? How did you advertise your program?

Peggy @ Orchard