Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A friend sent an email to me with info about an artist that, because of an injury, draws holding the pencil in his mouth. In a question & answer section of his website the artist says...
"Question - How did you learn to draw by mouth? Answer - I'm really just holding the pencil in my teeth. My neck is doing all the work. After the bet with my brother to see who could draw a better picture, I started out just sketching things out of art books and around the house. Then one day we received a Christmas card with a sketchy line drawing of a house on it. I thought I could do something like that, so I copied the style. After awhile my own style developed. I've only taken one art class after my injury and it was figure drawing. Every image I draw is a learning experience, about the animal and how to bring it to life. Because I've found this hidden talent within me, I believe everyone of us has hidden talents that each person can find in themselves."
I challenged students to learn something new this year, maybe discovering a hidden talent, so I have been sharing pictures and info about this artist with students this week.
If you'd like to learn more about the artist go to

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