Friday, September 3, 2010

Halloween Books

I asked for Halloween ideas and here are the responses I received... (I'll add others as I get them)
Thank you to those that shared!

Andrea Chapman - I think I posted on the blog last year about Goodnight Goon. I read Goodnight Moon and then read Goodnight Goon and talk about's so fun! The kids love it!

Carissa Allen - There's also Dr Seuss' What was I scared of?

Linda Bethers - Maybe "Tell Me a Scary Story...But Not Too Scary" by Carl Reiner. I had parents and teachers ask for it BUT I definitely think it's too scary for younger grades (the art work). My older students love it.

Vickie Hovik - One of my favorite halloween books is The Perfect Pumpkin Pie by Denys Cazet. It's not really scary, but I order those eyeball suckers from Oriental Trading and give each child a sucker at the end of their visit. The younger classes who pass the office on their way back to class bend down and hold their 'eyeball' up in the office window on their way past. The office staff gives off a few gratuitous shrieks and it’s a good time.

Linda Morgan - I read scary story by Carl Reiner, read it first, it is a fun book with a fun CD, but I did have a mom complain about it, oddly enough the kids loved it, she did not like that her student brought it home.

Danette Fullmer - Jerry Seinfeld wrote a book called Halloween. It is hilarious, teachers and students all love it. It's not scary.
Carl Reiner has a book titled Tell me a scary story - but not to scary! Kids all like that one too. It comes w/ a CD of him reading it.

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