Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What's your Dewey #?  

This is a great activity to teach your students about the importance of putting your books away correctly using the Dewey Decimal System.

You take your month your where born and the day you where born to find your Dewey #.  Mine is 318.19??
My birth date is March 18 19??

I have been using this idea in my Media Center this week.  
I showed them that what my number was and where I would live on the shelf. I then had the student figure out their DEWEY number.  We wrote it down on a card.  I then had all the students line up in numerical number.  We talked about how important it was to find your place and be proud to reside on that shelf.  Then I took someone away and shoved them in a random numerical order.  We talked about how frustrating it is to use the researchers and be so excited that a book was in but then to find out it had been shelved incorrectly.  What a fun activity.  
Thanks for the great idea Nancy Christiansen (Aspen Elementary).

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